Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I just couldn't help myself

...when I got a call from this mom asking for pics of her newborn. You see, I planned on taking the rest of the year off, it's been so busy around here. I should know myself better - I am not one to ever resist a newborn! And it would be the understatement of the month to say I am incredibly happy that I got to meet this family and their beautiful little man. He was just he size of my little girl at birth, and three weeks later he's tipping the scales at just over 5lbs! The sweetest little "pteradactyl" ever ; ))))) I LOVED hanging out with you three....enjoy your sneak peek!

Monday, December 7, 2009

With Brothers Like These...

...New Baby A is going to grow up fast! Seriously looks like he's in excellent hands to learn all he needs about Snips, Snails, and puppy-dog tails....
Enjoy your sneak peek, S Family!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Little Turkeys

I had such a fun morning with these two little turkeys the other day - playful little guys who had me cracking up at their rascally antics. Pair that with their parents who came prepared with style, patience, and just plain coolness and we had ourselves an awesome shoot! Enjoy your sneak peek, S Family, and Happy Turkey Day!

Monday, November 23, 2009

100 lbs of fur, 7 lbs of bliss

I didn't know docile came in XXL. This docile. Timber was their first baby, and now he seems more than willing to step aside his singleton status and become whatever his "new baby" needs. Protection? Check. Share toys? Check. Warm place to snuggle? Check Check Check!
Congratulations, dear friends, on the birth of your gorgeous baby girl. We are thrilled for you!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Oliver Twist

is what he was for Halloween. And a damn fine one, I might add - he didn't stray from character all night! But....I knew that in addition to Oliver Twist, he also had a little Ralph Lauren in him -- wouldn't you agree?!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Puppy Dog Eyes, Take II

So our first go-around with their photos, 4 weeks ago, could have gone better. And ironically, I don't think it had anything to do with the fact that the older one was coming down with pnuemonia at the time...poor guy! Anyway, all healthy now and luckily for me, their parents let me have another crack at 'em! I got to pick them up from daycare, and take them downtown for our adventure together. I knew I could get their puppy-dog eyed-cuteness across! Enjoy your sneak peek, B-G Family!

Monday, October 26, 2009

It's raining twins!

This beautiful pair makes it my third set of twins in 2 months. So maybe that's not exactly raining twins, but at least sprinkling. All girl sets, come to think of it!
It was such a pleasure to get to see these cherubs again (I got to do their newborn shots!) - now they're six months old and wisely wary of strangers....according to their parents ;))) Either I'm the baby whisperer, or these girls are super chill little beings. Barely a fuss the whole time I was there - no small feat with me clicking and flashing this way and that!
Enjoy your sneak peek, "C" Family - we'll be in touch soon. And by the way, I look forward to hearing about your travels.....

now check out those cheeks!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fun in the Shakespeare Garden

I have the best job in the world. Like, it's not even work. It's pleasure, pure and simple. And even chasing around this 15 month old adds to it cuz you know I love a challenge! His sister was the yin to his yang, and we had a blast. Thanks for hanging out in the park with me this morning, P-E Family!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Just One Word

OK, I lied. Three words:

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Golden Gate Park

We couldn't have asked for better weather - for SF no less! Although a little help with traffic and parking would have been nice! The Shallat Family wins the prize for perseverance - they were stuck in LoveFest traffic for oh, about an hour - but not to be defeated, they abandoned their car in SoMa and grabbed a cab into the park! And while I'm doling out virtual prizes, how about Best Puppy Dog Eyes (guess!), Sweetest Brotherly Love, and Most Enthusiastic Family....yea, I'm lovin' these mini sessions!
I think just about everyone got to ride the carousel as reward for me sticking my lens in their faces - and me? I went home and took a looooooong shower. Whew!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Holiday Mini Shoot Success!

My first ever holiday mini shoot marathon was a TOTAL blast! 5 great families, 10 gorgeous kids! Thanks so much to Debbie and Richard for letting us use their amazing house and yard - and thanks to all the families for having such well-behaved, sweet kids! Here's a sneak peek into our morning....
And FYI there is one slot left for my next mini-session on 10/3 - in Golden Gate Park. Contact me asap to sign up!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Twin One, Twin Too!

And for the life of me, I cannot tell them apart. OK, maybe without the multiple wardrobe changes I'd figger it out....but then that's probably giving myself too much credit. I guess if they were my kids, I'd have to tattoo one of them. Or something. Now I'm nervous that all the pics are of only one of the twins. At least I know who the big brother is!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Big J, swinging the world by the tail!

Could I ask for more beautiful eyes? The entire family had peepers worthy of song, but none more than 8-month old "J"! While he didn't give up his smiles easily, I didn't mind - you see, his face is so expressive and those eyes just melted me into a heap of non-stop shutter pressing photog love.
Enjoy your sneak peek, T Family!