Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Poetry in Motion

I think about this quote by Emerson when shooting--esp. shooting women:
"Beauty without expression is boring."

And aim to photograph with my own corollary:
"Beauty with poetic expression is photographer's nirvana."

As always, big shout out to my friend and mentor, Christa Meola (www.christameola.com)


  1. Robi-i-in. You done it again! This is my favorite boudoir work of yours to date. #s 1, 2 and 5 are the cake takers (for me, anyway)! Nice range here. #2 feels "fine art", while #5 has a more editorial feel. Well done.

  2. Breathtaking. Your use of form is genius and your use of light is, as always, spot on. They are all gorgeous, but, that being said, I think #2 is in an entirely different league. I want it on my wall! XOXO

  3. No, really...I want to have an enlargement of #2. Let me know what you think! ;-)

  4. Robin, you have mad talent. You are really really really just amazing. These are gorgeous.
